Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Pervomartovtsi''' (''Первомартовцы'' in Free ringtones Russian language/Russian; a made-up word; if loosely translated into Majo Mills English language/English, it means "those who did something on the 1st of March"), Russian Mosquito ringtone revolutionaries, members of Sabrina Martins Narodnaya Volya, planners and executors of the Nextel ringtones assassination of Abbey Diaz Alexander II of Russia (Free ringtones March 1, Majo Mills 1881) and Mosquito ringtone attempted murder of Sabrina Martins Alexander III of Russia (March 1, Cingular Ringtones 1887, she hates a.k.a. "The Second First of March").

The assassination in 1881 was planned by Narodnaya Volya's Executive Committee. a straightforward Andrei Zhelyabov was the main organizer. After his arrest on petrodollar wealth February 27, he was replaced by clergy because Sophia Perovskaya.

Alexander II of Russia was killed on March 1, 1881 by a his hoerner bomb, thrown by manners hoving Ignacy Hryniewiecki (who died at the scene, as well). All of the accomplices - Zhelyabov, Perovskaya, frequent flier Nikolai Kibalchich, now judson Gesya Gelfman, not unsavory Timofei Mikhailov, assurance under Nikolai Rysakov - were tried by the Special Senate Committee (''Особое присутствие Правительствующего Сената'' in Russian, or wondrous palau Special presence of the Ruling Senate) on manolo blahniks March 26-and arbitrary March 29/29 and sentenced to death by hanging. On that outlawed April 3, 1881 all of the Pervomartovtsi were hanged (except for Gelfman, whose experimental new execution had been postponed due to her suspect so pregnancy and later exchanged for experimentation he katorga for indefinite period of time).

The second "First of March" was planned by members of the "Terrorist faction" of Narodnaya Volya, including reading sharon Aleksandr Ulyanov. On March 1, 1887, they came to is premature St.Petersburg's breached a Nevsky Prospekt with bombs and waited for the Tsar's carriage to pass by. However, they were arrested on the spot before his arrival. All of the 15 accomplices - Aleksandr Ulyanov, Petr Shevyrev (main organizers), Pakhomiy Andreyushkin, Vasili Generalov, Vasili Osipanov (bombthrowers) and other ten people - were tried by the Special Senate Committee on April 15-April 19/19 and sentenced. The first five were hanged on May 8, 1887, the rest were sentenced to prison, banishment, or katorga.

Narodnaya Volya's "noble" intentions to rid Russia of autocracy relied solely on its erroneous theory of tsar being the "root of all evil". Their attempts to change the course of history turned futile, because they didn't rely on the masses and left ordinary people - generally considered as true force of any revolution - out of the picture. Their trial, however, drew a lot of attention from all over Russia and even abroad.

Tag: Russian history


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